Though his political savviness still makes this civ a flexible competitor on Civ 6's tier list, capable of seizing any victory path. Pericles (Greece) is best suited to culture victory conditions as well, through his use of city-state allegiances and proper central placement of his cities' Acropolises. The Spartan Queen is also versed in politics, which makes all victory paths a feasible goal. She allows and even encourages an aggressive approach, rewarding culture for every enemy kill. Gorgo (Greece) is heavily geared towards a cultural victory and can hold her own even against S-Tier civs. With leader and civ bonuses geared towards mass expansion, a straightforward domination route is your best bet to securing victory over other civs on the top tier lists. Trajan (Rome) has risen to the top of the A-Tier list, living true to the phrase coined by Julius Caesar "Veni, Vidi, Vici," I came, I saw, I conquered. It culminates a list of well-rounded civs, and civs that dominate their chosen path to victory. That's why there's the A-Tier, which is basically a continuation of the S-Tier. Gran Columbia is primed for a Domination victory, though its superior conquering abilities allow the player to focus on other areas of growth as well. Simon Bolivar (Gran Columbia) is making a name for his civilization, finally breaking through to the S-Tier with elite movement bonuses and strong foundational units such as Settlers, Builders, and Scouts. With Barbarossa's predilection for conquering city-states and Germany's unique U-Boat unit capable of devasting enemy coastal cities, Germany is also predisposed to victory on all fronts. Combined with Peter's leader ability, The Great Embassy, absorbing Science and Culture from more advanced civs, Russia can easily achieve every victory path.įrederick Barbarossa (Germany) Germany has a superior production rate, putting it ahead of the game from all other civs. Peter I (Russia) Russia holds a phenomenal aptitude for expansion between the Mother Russia ability granting extra tiles and Larvas, improved holy sites, accruing even more land. With two specialty units simultaneously available, an immunity to war-weariness, and the ability to heal upon capturing wonders, Alexander is primed to wage a game-long war and win. Moreover, district adjacency bonuses encourage compact cities, which is great for defending and expanding cities.Īlexander (Macedon) gets lots of conquering bonuses and unique military enhancement, making the Macedonian civ a natural warmonger.

Japan's unique Electronics Factory ramps up production even more. Hojo incurs a +50 percent Production for Encampments, Holy Sites, and Theater squares. Furthermore, Japan's specialty unit, Samurai, doesn't suffer combat penalties upon losing health. Japan's military receives bonuses for land units adjacent to water tiles and naval units in shallow water. Hojo Tokimune (Japan) continues to hold the top spot as the most well-rounded civ in the game. The creme de la crop of civ leaders, their prowess in domination allows them to seize other victories just as effortlessly.